I went to Sweden for a visit and bought something really nice for myself called 'Salvage and Logistics'. It is a "starter" box set for Wyrd's Malifaux miniatures game. One of the best miniature purchases I have ever made! I have no idea if the game is any good (I heard it is!), but the quality and sculpting of the miniatures is top level. I really like the flavor and character of Wyrd's miniatures. I also bought some pre-owned Resurrectionists, but they are older metal minis. They're still very nice too, but I wanted to show you this Outcasts Leveticus box in particular.
Actually my Malifaux purchases are long overdue, as I've been drooling over the minis for a year now.
Back cover has the contents. No pictures from the painted minis though, which I find a bit odd.
The box contents are simple and to the point. Sprue, some note cards and bases.
Closer look at the sprue.
The detail and casting quality are amazing, unlike my photographs.
I'm so happy I bought this. The models are tiny, but looks like they're very well done. Nothing turns me on like a fantastically casted plastic.
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