perjantai 28. elokuuta 2015

Mordheim Witch Hunters

I tried out Necromunda and it was such fun that I thought I needed a Mordheim project on my hands also.

I got some Witch Hunters yesterday. Few missing parts, but I count 7 complete miniatures! Let's see what I do with these.. if anything :D I'm so swamped with projects. Have to complete my Necromunda gang first and foremost and then change a faction (again) in Warmachine/Hordes, as I sold most of my Cryx (again)..

perjantai 21. elokuuta 2015

So much scratches

I'm doing too much scratches and broken lines. Necromunda prototype.

sunnuntai 16. elokuuta 2015

Malice repaint

So sad I settled for my Cryx theme after painting so many figures. I should've figure out this color scheme much earlier..

Oh well. Heavy WIP.

sunnuntai 9. elokuuta 2015

Paints off

(Old) Fairy Power Spray rocks! The smell is terrible, but at least stripping paints off metal minis is a breeze.