I did a head-swap for my earlier Feral Warpwolf and painted the runes red to match the rest of my force. I like Pureblood much more as a model, idea and a tactical game piece. Feral is becoming a lack-luster in some ways as the new Riphorn Satyr is superior in many situations and costs the same. On the other hand, Stalker and Pureblood offer more flexibility and utility. Also did a 2nd Shifting Stones unit.
keskiviikko 30. heinäkuuta 2014
lauantai 26. heinäkuuta 2014
keskiviikko 23. heinäkuuta 2014
tiistai 15. heinäkuuta 2014
Bloodtrackers close-up
I like the leader, but the rest of them aren't as snappy. Sigh..2 models behind are still only about 85% ready(in my books anyway).
perjantai 11. heinäkuuta 2014
Circle army so far
I have had some break/slow-mode from painting as my shoulder is acting up. Here is a quick overview about my current situation with Circle Orboros, however. Nuala and 2 trackers are still only about 80% complete, but everything is suited for playing (except for those base markings.. I'm getting really frustrated with them as I can't figure out how to do them the way that I can stand them).
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